Postdoctoral position in bioinformatics and metabolomics at the SMC
Om jobbet
Institutionen för skoglig genetik och växtfysiologi
The Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology is part of Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC,, which is a centre of excellence for experimental plant research and forest biotechnology in northern Sweden. We want to conduct excellent and innovative basic research and create knowledge for the benefit of forestry, agriculture, the environment and society.
The Swedish Metabolomics Center (SMC), a national platform within SciLifeLab, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher specializing in bioinformatics and metabolomics. SMC supports researchers from Swedish universities by providing advanced mass spectrometry-based analysis of metabolites and lipids in biological tissues and fluids. Our goal is to be a leading knowledge hub in metabolomics and related disciplines. At SMC, you will work alongside a team of specialized personnel, utilizing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instruments including GC-TOFMS, LC-QTOFMS, LC-TQMSMS, and RF/SPE-IM-QTOFMS. The position also involves collaborative research with the metabolomics platform at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen. Join us in advancing the field of metabolomics through cutting-edge research and collaboration.
The position is intended for a junior researcher and we are primarily looking for people who have completed their Ph.D. no more than three years ago.
Read more about our benefits and working at SLU by visiting:
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) har en nyckelroll i utvecklingen för hållbart liv, grundad i vetenskap och utbildning. Genom vårt fokus på samspelen mellan människa, djur och ekosystem och ett ansvarsfullt brukande av naturresurserna bidrar vi till en hållbar samhällsutveckling och goda livsvillkor på vår planet. Huvudorter är Alnarp, Umeå och Uppsala, men verksamhet bedrivs också på forskningsstationer, försöksparker och utbildningsorter i hela landet.
SLU har drygt 3000 medarbetare, 5000 studenter och forskarstuderande och en omsättning på över tre miljarder kronor. Universitetet satsar på attraktiva miljöer på sina campusområden. Vi arbetar för en jämställd och inkluderande arbetsmiljö där öppna samtal mellan människor med olika erfarenheter lägger grunden för vetenskaplighet, kreativitet och utveckling. Vi välkomnar därför personer med olika bakgrunder och perspektiv att söka den aktuella anställningen.
The Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology is part of Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC,, which is a centre of excellence for experimental plant research and forest biotechnology in northern Sweden. We want to conduct excellent and innovative basic research and create knowledge for the benefit of forestry, agriculture, the environment and society.
The Swedish Metabolomics Center (SMC), a national platform within SciLifeLab, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher specializing in bioinformatics and metabolomics. SMC supports researchers from Swedish universities by providing advanced mass spectrometry-based analysis of metabolites and lipids in biological tissues and fluids. Our goal is to be a leading knowledge hub in metabolomics and related disciplines. At SMC, you will work alongside a team of specialized personnel, utilizing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instruments including GC-TOFMS, LC-QTOFMS, LC-TQMSMS, and RF/SPE-IM-QTOFMS. The position also involves collaborative research with the metabolomics platform at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen. Join us in advancing the field of metabolomics through cutting-edge research and collaboration.
About the position
We are seeking an experienced specialist in bioinformatics, chemometrics, or a related field in chemical-analytical data processing. The project focuses specifically on method development in metabolomics and mass spectrometry-based data analysis, ranging from preprocessing of raw instrument data to final analysis results. The goal is to further develop and streamline mass spectrometry-based services, benefiting both SMC's operations and the global research community. The primary objective of the project is to optimize and advance methodologies in stable isotope-labeled metabolomics and fluxomics, with the aim of making these services more widely accessible to the research community. SMC provides a wide range of services for various types of samples and research questions, which means the project offers flexibility and opportunities to address diverse scientific challenges. Additionally, there is an opportunity to participate in larger collaborative projects within SciLifeLab, focusing on our shared preprocessing methodologies and service development.Your profile
We are seeking a candidate with a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, chemometrics, metabolomics, or a related field. Extensive knowledge of chromatography and mass spectrometry is essential. Documented experience in programming is required. You should have a strong interest in research and be able to work both independently and creatively. Experience in preprocessing for mass spectrometry-based analysis is an advantage, including practical experience with open-source software such as XCMS, MzMine, MS-Dial, and OpenMS, as well as manufacturer-specific software. The ability to independently conduct data analysis and present scientific conclusions based on metabolomics data at an internationally competitive level is also desirable. Excellent communication skills, both spoken and written, in English are required.The position is intended for a junior researcher and we are primarily looking for people who have completed their Ph.D. no more than three years ago.
About us
UPSC belongs to two universities, Umeå University ( and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU; About 200 people from more than 40 different nationalities work here. We host some 30 principal investigators, and our researchers have access to state-of-the-art analytical platforms, unique tree germplasm resources and plant growth facilities. We strive for a collaborative work environment and support our scientists throughout all career stages by providing professional training opportunities and individual career mentoring.Read more about our benefits and working at SLU by visiting:
Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, SLU, Umeå.Form of employment:
Temporary employment 24 months, with the possibility of extension.Scope:
100%Start date:
As agreed.Application:
Please submit your application before deadline 26 September 2024. You can submit your application by clicking the button below.Union representatives: lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) har en nyckelroll i utvecklingen för hållbart liv, grundad i vetenskap och utbildning. Genom vårt fokus på samspelen mellan människa, djur och ekosystem och ett ansvarsfullt brukande av naturresurserna bidrar vi till en hållbar samhällsutveckling och goda livsvillkor på vår planet. Huvudorter är Alnarp, Umeå och Uppsala, men verksamhet bedrivs också på forskningsstationer, försöksparker och utbildningsorter i hela landet.
SLU har drygt 3000 medarbetare, 5000 studenter och forskarstuderande och en omsättning på över tre miljarder kronor. Universitetet satsar på attraktiva miljöer på sina campusområden. Vi arbetar för en jämställd och inkluderande arbetsmiljö där öppna samtal mellan människor med olika erfarenheter lägger grunden för vetenskaplighet, kreativitet och utveckling. Vi välkomnar därför personer med olika bakgrunder och perspektiv att söka den aktuella anställningen.
According to agreement
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